The Multitasking Myth – Part 2

Sabine Pfleger, Thursday 30 January 2014 | Reading time: unknown

Multitasking - Part 2


Multitasking in project teams is not desirable, because it is not efficient. That was the core statement of the last post. Switching from task to task means that there are always switch costs which can amount up to 40 percent of the daily work time on an average work day. That means that almost half of the work time might be used to get back to the original task after being interrupted.

That’s why reducing multitasking to a minimum and creating spaces for uninterrupted, concentrated work should be in everyone’s interest.

There are starting points on all levels – in the organization itself, the management team and in the self-organization of each team member.

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The Multitasking Myth - Part 1

Sabine Pfleger, Tuesday 14 January 2014 | Reading time: unknown

Multitasking in everyday project work

Ideal project team members have to have many traits these days: They have to be flexible and resilient, team players and multitaskers. Multitaskers? Really?

There is increasing recognition amongst researchers that multitasking causes efficiency and time loss. Often, it makes it difficult to focus on a complex task.

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New Year’s resolutions in project management

Sabine Pfleger, Wednesday 08 January 2014 | Reading time: unknown

New Year's Resolutions 2014

Every January, we dig our New Year’s resolutions out of the relic box – and exercising more and eating healthy are always top of the list.

However, what can project managers resolve to do in 2014? A healthier lifestyle will do no harm to any of us, but the beginning of a new year can also be a great opportunity to do things better than last year.

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