Task management with InLoox,
that excites teams

Team collaboration - effectively execute projects with InLoox

Real-time feedback for everyone in the team

Collaborate visually in projects

Intelligent task management that grows with the customer

  • Collaborate on a single platform at all stages: Handle complete workflows seamlessly in InLoox and scale teamwork from small to large. From brainstorming with mind maps, to tasks in the Kanban board, to the entire project with a time planning.
  • Efficient teamwork: Say goodbye to endless coordination loops - in InLoox you can always see the current status in real time. Responsibilities and deadlines are clearly defined, so that all team members always know who has to do which task and by when.
  • Integrated communication & documentation: Collect everything important centrally in one task and link documents, leave comments, or mention your project members. This way you always have all relevant information and updates in one place.

Project-related document management

Link files in projects & avoid duplicates

Intelligent document management in the project context

  • Documents always at hand: Link documents with the corresponding project content, i.e. with tasks, mind maps, in the planning etc.. This way, you always have the appropriate document immediately at hand.
  • No duplicates: With intelligent links, you always have only one version in circulation, even when the same document is linked at various places in the project.
  • Leverage existing structures: Easily integrate existing documents, e.g. on SharePoint® Online or OneDrive® for Business. InLoox On-Prem also supports existing file servers. This way, you can comfortably continue working with your existing structure and do not have to make any changes in the document administration.
  • Outlook-workflow: Store e-mails and attachments directly from Outlook in InLoox - user-friendly and without media discontinuities.
Borris Hoffmeister, IT-Security- und Prozess-Manager | ISG Intermed Service GmbH & Co. KG

„With InLoox, we have a better overview, tasks can be assigned more easily and resources can be planned more reliably. All this and the transparency it has created have noticeably improved the quality of communication."

Borris Hoffmeister, IT security and process manager, ISG Intermed Service GmbH & Co. KG

Track times effortlessly and efficiently

Book efforts of tasks and appointments to projects

InLoox makes time tracking a snap

  • Time tracking of Outlook-elements: With the integration of Outlook in InLoox, you can book your calendar entries to projects via drag and drop - with minimum effort.
  • Time tracking of InLoox tasks: The tracking of times and efforts from a task is simple and fast with just one click. All relevant information is automatically transferred.
  • Measure time down to the minute: With the integrated stopwatch, you can accurately track the time spent completing tasks. This way you don't have to estimate your working times anymore but can concentrate on completing the tasks.

Facilitate collaboration & increase communication quality

Achieving more together

High quality of information and communication as a standard

  • Integrated communication: Use comments, tags, and notes to keep all project-related information in one place. This way, you can reduce the number of meetings, phone calls, and emails.
  • Automatic notifications: The notification system automatically informs you when changes have been made to important parts in the project.
  • Reminder: InLoox can send you reminders about upcoming and open tasks.

Structure thoughts, concepts and drafts

Idea generation & visual structuring with mind maps

From ideation & brainstorming to a 
seamless planning process

  • One step ahead: Use the InLoox mind map not only as a visualization tool, but also as a template for your project plan. Assign resources directly or link documents to mindmap nodes.
  • From mindmap to Kanban board: Transform parts or your entire mind map including all related information into tasks in the Kanban board with just one click.
  • From mindmap to project planning: Copy your mind map into the time planning. Nodes from the mindmap then turn into activities in the Gantt chart.
Leadership Team, myAbility Social Enterprise GmbH

„We have a dynamic, creative young team that comes from a wide variety of industries. InLoox is an excellent way to incorporate all of them, and the tool provides good guidance for implementing the variety of tasks and projects from our talent program." 

Katharina Schweiger, Head of Talent Program, myAbility Social Enterprise GmbH 


Your personal demo with an expert: 
In 45 minutes through the InLoox world

Let us show you the possibilities of modern collaboration.

  • Plan projects & distribute tasks
  • Track times & capture budgets
  • Visualize project metrics in dashboards & reports