Add columns to the planning list

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Customize the planning list by showing different columns.

By default, when you open the planning for the first time, the columns Name, Duration and % Done are displayed.


Add columns

Planning list: Explanation of columns

Add columns

To add columns to the planning list, do the following steps:

1. Click New column to the right of the existing columns.

2. A drop-down menu opens where you can select the columns you want to have displayed.

3. You can adjust the order of the columns using drag and drop. Simply drag the column to the desired position with the mouse button held down.

Alternatively, you can also right-click in one of the columns and then click on Columns to determine which columns are to be shown or hidden. To do this, simply check or uncheck the checkbox in front of the respective column name.

Note The column view will be applied to all your projects.

Custom fields as columns

If you have defined custom fields, you can show those that have been created for planning or tasks as columns since version InLoox 11.11. These columns function as typed editors for the custom fields, i.e. if it is a drop-down menu, it can be selected from, or if it is a checkbox, it can be checked, etc.

IMPORTANT Only those custom fields that have been defined for planning or tasks can be displayed and used as a column. You can find out how to do this in the help article on custom fields.

Planning list: Explanation of columns

The following overview describes each of the columns that you can show in the planning list:

  • #: Displays the number of planning elements.
  • WBS code: Shows the work breakdown structure code.
  • WBS code (Manual): shows the manually entered work breakdown structure code.
  • Start: Shows the start date of the planning element.
  • End: Shows the end date of the planning element.
  • Info: Shows when there is a constraint (pin icon)(except standard "as soon as possible"), and shows when an item is overdue (orange clock icon).
  • Location: displays the manually entered location of a planning element
  • Duration: Shows the duration between start and end date of the planning element in work days (=d).
  • Calendar: Shows the selected calendar (standard, 24/7, weekend or own defined calendar)
  • Effort: Shows the time in hours (=h) that is allocated to the task and the accumulated time for the planning element based on the assigned tasks.
  • Resources: Shows the name of the assigned resource.
  • Constraint type: Shows the type of constraint between the planning elements, e.g. start-to-finish.
  • Constraint date: Shows the date selected together with the constraint.
  • Successor: Shows the succeeding planning element if a dependency exists.
  • Predecessor: Shows the preceding planning element if a dependency exists.
  • Slack: shows the time difference in days between planning elements.
  • % done: Indicates the percentage of completion in %.
  • Done date: Indicates when the planning element was marked as done.

Note  To ensure consistent presentation and labeling between InLoox Web App and InLoox for Windows/Outlook, we have adjusted and harmonized some labels for InLoox 11.4.2. The differences:

  • Effort = Effort of the task or Summarized effort of the tasks subordinate to an activity
  • Duration (former Work duration) = planned duration of the activity in workdays
  • Timespan (former duration) = Effective duration incl. non-working time, calculated on the basis of the defined working time calendar

Until InLoox 11.4.1.

Overlay bis 11.4.1

Since InLoox 11.4.2

Overlay ab 11.4.2