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NOTE If you are using InLoox On-Prem, please enter either the path of the file server or the URL of your Microsoft SharePoint Server® Online during the installation process. You cannot change the document storage later via the InLoox settings! All details can be found in the whitepaper InLoox On-Prem 11.x Server Installation Help from page 13.

If you use InLoox Professional or InLoox Enterprise, you can either store your documents in the InLoox Cloud or use Microsoft SharePoint Servers® Online.


Select document storage - InLoox Cloud or Microsoft SharePoint Online
Rule for document library
Rule for subfolder (optional)
Rules for creating additional subfolders
Changing the document library
Editing and deleting rules
Further information on rules for the folder path and folder structure

Select document storage - InLoox Cloud or Microsoft SharePoint Online

  1. Click on your profile picture at the bottom of InLoox Web App.
  2. Now click on Account Settings.
  3. Click on Documents.
  4. Now select either the InLoox Cloud as the storage location for your documents.
  5. Or enter the URL of your company's SharePoint Server Online.
    Tip If you have previously connected your MS365 account, the available SharePoint sites will be displayed in a drop-down menu from which you only need to select.

Einfache SharePoint Online Anbindung durch Autodiscover-Funktion

Rule for document library

After you have entered the URL of SharePoint Online as the document storage for the base path, you still need to define the rule for the document library.

  1. Click on the 3 dots next to the Rule for document library field.
  2. Select one of the dynamic placeholders, e.g. Division (Division name).

A folder with the department name, e.g. Marketing, is now created under the SharePoint path specified above. For this rule to take effect, your projects must be assigned to a division on the support page.

Rule for subfolders

Optionally, you can now also define a rule for creating subfolders. For example, if you want the subfolder structure to be based on the current year, select the dynamic placeholder Current year.

  1. Click on the three dots next to the Rule for subfolders (optional) field.
  2. Select a dynamic placeholder, e.g. Current year.
  3. Separate further subfolders with / and the selection of another dynamic placeholder.

The following subfolder structure is created with the example <CURRENT_YEAR>/<PROJECT_NAME><PROJECT_NUMBER>: 2024/Project name Project number.

Rules for creating additional subfolders

You can also create additional, differentiated subfolders according to other rules. For example, if you always need an "Orders" folder for projects in the Sales department, you can define a rule for the automatic creation of this folder.

  1. In the InLoox settings, click on Documents and then on the Structure tab.
  2. Click on New to create a new rule.
  3. Enter the name of the folder that is to be created according to the rule, e.g. Orders. InLoox now creates this rule.
  4. Click on the small arrow in the Field column and select the parameter that is to act as the trigger for the rule, e.g. Division (Division name).
  5. Now enter the division name in the input field in the Rule column. Important: the expression must correspond exactly to the name. If the department is S-Sales, the rule will not apply if you only enter "sales" here.

Changing the document library

If you use InLoox On-Prem, you cannot change the document library in the InLoox settings.

If you use InLoox Professional or InLoox Enterprise, you can change the document library and switch

  • switch from InLoox to your own Microsoft SharePoint Server® Online. It is important to remember that this change does not apply retroactively. Documents in the InLoox Cloud must first be downloaded and saved locally! Documents are not automatically transferred from InLoox to SharePoint.
  • only change the URL of your Microsoft SharePoint. This change takes effect when new project documents are added for the first time. Existing subfolders are not deleted or renamed when the document library is changed.

Editing and deleting rules

You can simply click in any input field of a rule to edit it. Important: this change does not apply retroactively. A rule change only takes effect when you store another document in a project to which this rule applies.

If you want to delete a rule, click on the red recycle bin icon. Confirm the deletion of the rule by clicking on Delete.

Further information on rules for the folder path and folder structure

The SharePoint root path, the rule for the document library and the rule for the subfolder are added together. This can result in the following URL structure: <ROOT PATH>/<DOCUMENT LIBRARY RULE>/<DOCUMENT LIBRARY RULE SUBFOLDER>
Further subfolders that are created according to the rules in the Structure tab are created in the subfolder that was created in the Document Library tab.