For both - global project reports and project-related reports – you can choose from report templates which are included in the InLoox standard license. (If the report templates are not installed on your computer yet, read here how you can download them.)
List of budget, expenses and revenues of the selected project(s)
Overview of all documents of a project
Comparison of expenses and revenues of the selected project(s)
Export of the planning overview and the Gantt-chart in different accuracy: varying from very detailed (day) to a rough overview (quarter).
Tip: This template is only recommendable for project-related reports.
Plain letter regarding the project
Template for the organisation of project meetings
A note that includes all basic information of a project.
Overview of the project plan without Gantt-chart
Overview of the project plan to compare plan status and actual status of the project
Final notification to the project
Notification to the project start including all basic information related to the project
Progress report of the current status of the project
Overview of all time tracking entries of a project