Work with file links to save storage space and avoid duplicates. File links don’t occupy storage space, as documents aren’t saved directly in Microsoft Outlook or on the Exchange Server.
Please note The access permissions of the original document still exist in InLoox equally whether you upload the document or work with file links. If you add a file from a protected network folder or SharePoint store to the InLoox storage, still only authorized users can read and update it. Therefore, always take the access permissions of the original document into consideration, when uploading it to the InLoox storage.
1. Open an existing project and click on Documents in the Start tab.
2. Click on the Edit tab and then on the arrow icon below New:
Choose between:
3. Afterwards the new document is displayed in the document list of your project:
NOTE You can recognize the file link by the fact that the path is displayed in the Sourcefolder column.
1. Choose the document you want to edit from the document list.
2. Open the Edit tab and click on Edit. A side panel opens on the right side. Here you can enter important information regarding the document.
3. Add information in the Basic Information area.
4. When you have finished editing the document, close the side panel on the right side next to the Basic Information area. Your changes will be saved automatically.