If you create reports on a regular base and mainly use the same filter combinations, you do not need to adjust the filter settings each time. You can save those filter settings and reuse them. For saving filter settings permanently you need to be InLoox admin and you should have the permission “Create and edit report templates”.
1. Click on Projects in the Outlook navigation bar.
2. Afterwards, open the Start tab and click on Reports >> Saved Reports…
3. A new window will open. There you can see all currently saved reports.
4. You can create a new report template, by clicking on New.
5. The report dialog will open. Here you can determine:
6. Click on Save Report, to save your settings and to close the window.
7. Now, the saved report appears in the overview:
The saved report template is permanently available to you (and all other InLoox users, if you have ticked the checkbox) on the Start tab >> Reports >> Saved Reports…. There you also can edit or delete the report template.
To create a new global project-report using this template, click on Projects in the Outlook navigation bar. Then click on the Start tab and on Reports. The new template appears in the drop-down-list and you just have to click on it, to create a new report using that template.