KEY FEATURE InLoox 11.10

Sum function in list views

From now on, all numerical fields in your list views will be totaled for groupings. This new feature, which may seem simple at first, can effectively turn your data into meaningful reporting directly in the list view - without the need to create dashboards or reports.

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Sum function in groupings - Example time tracking
Open and edit document from InLoox task directly in SharePoint

KEY FEATURE InLoox 11.10

Direct access & editing of MS Office documents in SharePoint

Discover the latest improvement in the handling of MS Office documents. Within InLoox you can now open and edit Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents in SharePoint directly from the application

Real-time synchronization ensures that all team members always have access to the latest version.

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May 07, 2024 

New features in the list views

Sum function in groupings

We are pleased to introduce you to a seemingly small but significant innovation in the list views of InLoox: The new sum function in groupings. This function expands your data analysis options and transforms your list view almost into a dashboard.

Specifically, all numeric fields, such as the duration of time entries, now display the totals at group level. For example, the sum function enables a clear display of the total time spent per project and employee, which improves project transparency. By using additional filters like the new dynamic date filters and for example displaying the time entries for the current month or week, you immediately receive meaningful statistics - without having to create a dashboard or report.

Sum function in groupings - Example time tracking

This new feature effectively helps you to quickly and easily gain insight into resource utilization and project progress, which makes it much easier to manage projects and teams.

More information about grouping can be found in the help article on list views »


Dynamic date filters in list views

Another new feature in InLoox are the dynamic date filters in lists. This function, which you may already be familiar with from conditional formatting, increases flexibility and efficiency when filtering lists. With dynamic date filters, you can stop using static dates and instead use operators such as "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday", "this/next/last week", "this/next/last month", "this/next/last quarter" and "this/next/last year".

Application example: Previously, you had to define a specific date range per month for the display of time entries, e.g. from 01.04.2024 to 30.04.2024. For the next month, a manual adjustment of the filter was necessary to change the date to 01.05.2024 to 31.05.2024.

With the new dynamic date operator, this manual adjustment is no longer necessary. In the filter generator, you can now simply select that the start of the time tracking entry should be "later than the start of this month". This automatically and continuously displays the time entries for the current month without you having to reset the filter every month.

Example of a dynamic date filter in list views

You can find specific instructions on how to create a dynamic date filter in the help article on list views »


Introduction of the "Is any/none of" filter in lists

In addition, you will now find two new filters in the filter builder of the lists, which are available in the project, task and time tracking lists. The new filter options are

  • „Is any of“
  • „Is none of“

Application of filter "Is any of" in list view

These new filters expand your options for searching lists according to specific criteria. For example, you can now filter your project list so that only projects from the "Marketing" and "IT" departments are displayed by selecting the option "Division is any of 'Marketing', 'IT'". This will only show you the projects that meet these criteria.

Note A significant difference to the existing "Contains" or "Does not contain" filters is that you no longer have to enter the text manually for the new "Is any/none of" filters. Instead, the existing options, such as the defined departments (Marketing, IT, Sales, etc.), are directly displayed. You simply activate the required checkboxes, which considerably simplifies and speeds up the filtering process.

The new filter also allows you to select several criteria at the same time. For example, you can select several departments at the same time for "Is any/none of" to achieve a more comprehensive display of your lists.


Improvements & new features for documents

Direct access and editing of MS Office documents in SharePoint

We are delighted to announce a significant improvement in the handling of MS Office documents. If you have set up a SharePoint connection in InLoox, you can now open and edit MS Office documents such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel directly from InLoox in SharePoint.

This bidirectional workflow ensures that changes to documents are made and synchronized from both InLoox and SharePoint. This avoids duplicates and all InLoox users can access the current document at any time. This functionality not only improves the accessibility and handling of your documents, but also promotes efficient and seamless collaboration.

Dokument aus InLoox Aufgabe in SharePoint öffnen

Further information can be found in the corresponding help article edit documents »


Custom fields on documents

You can now also define your own custom fields for documents.

Examples of custom fields on documents are:

  • Document status: With a list selection (e.g. Draft, Under review, Approved, Rejected), you define the processing status of a document and support efficient workflow control.
  • Approval date: A date field in which, for example, the approval date of the document is entered supports the time coordination of projects.

Examples for custom fields on documents

The custom fields allow you to manage your documents more effectively and customize InLoox to your business processes.

Tipp You can find more information on the different types of custom fields in the help article: custom fields »

Note Custom fields are only available in the editions InLoox Enterprise and InLoox On-Prem.


Documents in private tasks 

Previously, documents could only be saved to projects or tasks with a project reference. With the newest update, we are expanding this option: from now on, you can also save documents in private tasks (without a project connection), which improves the organization and documentation of your personal tasks.


Improved document dropdown

With the new version InLoox 11.10 we have improved the document dropdown. If you want to add a document already stored in the project to a task, the dropdown now not only shows the name of the document, but below it also shows the storage location (=folder) of the document. In addition, you can also search directly for a specific folder, whereupon all documents within this folder will be displayed. This additional information enables a more precise and efficient document selection.

Dokumenten-Dropdown in einer Aufgabe


New developments in the InLoox for Outlook add-in

Create tasks with and without e-mail reference

You are probably already familiar with our new InLoox for Outlook Modern add-in. The new version makes it easier to create tasks by clearly distinguishing between tasks with and without email reference. Two separate buttons in the side panel make creating tasks more intuitive and user-friendly:

  • With email reference: to create a task for a selected email, click on the blue button with the checkmark directly to the right of the "Current item". The magic wand button also offers the option of receiving task suggestions from the InLoox AI assistant based on the selected email.
  • Without email reference: To create tasks without an email reference, a new field is available below where you can directly enter the name of the new task and create it by clicking on the checkmark.

Aufgaben mit und ohne E-Mail Bezug im InLoox für Outlook Seitenpanel erstellen

For detailed information please visit our help article on the Modern Outlook Add-in »


Create a new project directly from a task

You can now create a new project directly from an existing or newly created task that is not yet assigned to a project. Note This functionality is available both in the InLoox for Outlook side panel and in InLoox Web App.

How it works: Within a task, you can type in a new project name in the "Project" field. If this name is not found in the existing database, the option "Create new project" appears. By confirming with Enter, the new project is created under the name entered.

Benefits: This feature not only saves valuable time, but also facilitates the transition from individual tasks to comprehensive projects. Especially in the InLoox for Outlook add-in, this offers a quick and efficient way to create projects.

Neues Projekt aus einer Aufgabe erstellen


Other improvements

Improvements in dashboards

Two new functions in InLoox significantly optimize working with dashboards:

The last dashboard view is remembered:

Previously, when switching between different areas and returning to the dashboards, the first dashboard view was always loaded automatically, which often led to unnecessary waiting times. Now InLoox improves your user experience by remembering the last opened dashboard view. When you return to the dashboards, the exact dashboard you were last working with opens. This saves time and increases navigation efficiency.

Deep links for dashboards:

In addition to remembering the last view, InLoox now creates deep links to specific dashboard views. This allows you, for example, to save the link to a specific dashboard as a bookmark so that you can access it quickly every day. You can also share the link with your team so that they can access the relevant dashboard directly without having to navigate through multiple menus. This simplifies communication and collaboration considerably and makes the exchange of information faster and more targeted.


Import of planning templates

We are pleased to announce that you can now finally import planning templates directly into the InLoox Web App. This new feature makes your project planning easier and saves valuable time.

Import einer Planungsvorlage in InLoox Web App

For additional inspiration, we offer you a wide selection of free planning templates on various topics that are specifically designed to help you design your projects effectively.

You can find step-by-step instructions in the help article planning templates »


Settings: Personal time zone different from the default time zone of the account

For companies with locations in different time zones, each user can now set their own personal time zone in InLoox, differing from the default time zone of the entire account. This personal time zone is used for calculating the date and time in the reports, dashboards and notifications.

ou can read how to adjust this setting in the help article time zones »


"Billable" checkbox on tasks

From now on, you will not only find the "Billable" checkbox on time entries, but also in the tasks. This checkbox is activated by default when a task is created.