Set a work time calendar

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InLoox PM Web App adapts to the working times of your company. In the InLoox PM options you can set individual working time models to display for example part-time work, shift work or weekend work.

  1. Open the InLoox PM Options.
    For more information, where you can find the InLoox PM options, see Open the InLoox PM options.
  2. Click Planning in the navigation pane and then click Working Times on the Ribbon. Below you see the Working Times area.

  3. In each area you can do the following options:
    • Working Calendar
      • Add a new calendar  On the Calendar area, click New. On the New Calendar dialog box, in the field Name enter a new name and click OK.
        Now, the new calendar is displayed in the drop-down list in the Working Calendar area. You can add to the calendar Working times, Working days and Days off.
      • Edit a calendar  Select a calendar from the drop-down list in the Working Calendar area and click Edit. On the Edit Calendar dialog box, in the Name field,  change a name and click OK.
      • Remove a calendar  Select a calendar from the drop-down list in the Working Calendar area and click Delete.
    • Working times
      1. Select one day from the list and Click Edit.
      2. In the dialog box Edit Working Day do the following:
        • Select the No workday option for a day off.
        • Select the Workday option for a work day.
          1. Select the 24 hours option for the permanent operation.
          2. Select the Working times option to define them.
            1. Click Add and enter Start and End in the New Working Time dialog box. Click OK.
            2. To edit already existing working times, select an entry from the list and click Edit.
            3. To delete existing working times permanently, select an entry from the list and click Remove.
        • Click OK.
    • Days off
      • In this area, you can add or import new days off and edit or delete the existing ones.
        For more information see Set days off.
    • Working day
      • Define the number of hours of a working day in the One working day contains...hour(s) box. This parameter helps the user to enter time periods for activities and workloads for work packages.
  4. Click Save & Close in the navigation pane to save the changes.