Add columns to the planning list

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Modify the planning list by displaying different fields. By default, the Info and Name fields are displayed as columns when you open planning for the first time.


Displaying fields as columns

Overview of fields

Create your own fields

Displaying fields as columns

1. When you open a project plan, right-click into the planning list to open the context menu and click on Select Fields.

Or open the tab View and click on Select Fields in the ribbon.

2. The window Customization with the available columns opens. Drag the fields from the window into the planning list.

3. Rearrange the columns by dragging the fields to another position.

4. If you want to remove a column from the planning list, open the context menu first and click on Select Fields to open the window Customization again. Then drag the field you want to remove from the planning list into the window. 

NOTE InLoox will remember your customized planning list and display the selected columns in the same order once you create another project plan. 

Overview of fields

The following overview describes each of the fields that you can show in your planning list:

  • Effort – shows the time that is allocated to the task and the accumulated time for the planning element based on the assigned tasks  
  • Work duration – available time for the completion of the planning element or task
  • Timeline icon – marks the elements that are pinned to the timeline
  • Duration – shows the duration between start and end date of the planning element in days and hours
  • Documents – shows whether documents are linked to the element
  • Constraint icon – shows that there is a constraint between planning elements 
  • Constraint – shows the type of constraint between the planning elements, e.g. start-to-finish
  • End – shows the end date of the planning element
  • Done date – shows the date the element was marked as done
  • Progress – shows the stage of completion in percent based on the tasks allocated to the planning element
  • Info icon – shows if an element is done, overdue, locked, or violates a constraint
  • Calendar – shows which calendar is used for this Gantt-chart
  • Flagged icon – shows which elements are marked with a flag
  • Critical – marks the planning elements along the critical chain as true or false
  • Successor – shows the succeeding planning element if a dependency exists
  • Location – free text field for you to enter the location the planning element takes place at
  • WBS Code (calculated) – shows the automatically calculated work breakdown structure code
  • WBS Code (manual) – free text field for your own work breakdown structure code
  • Resources – shows the name of the assigned resource
  • Start – shows the start date of the planning element    
  • Published icon – marks those elements that are used in other project plans
  • Predecessor – shows the preceding planning element if a dependency exists

Note  To ensure consistent presentation and labeling between InLoox Web App and InLoox for Windows/Outlook, we have adjusted and harmonized some labels for InLoox 11.4.2. The differences:

  • Effort = Effort of the task or Summarized effort of the tasks subordinate to an activity
  • Duration (former Work duration) = planned duration of the activity in workdays
  • Timespan (former duration) = Effective duration incl. non-working time, calculated on the basis of the defined working time calendar

Until InLoox 11.4.1

Overlay bis 11.4.1

Since InLoox 11.4.2

Overlay ab 11.4.2

Create your own fields

You can also define your own fields for the planning list. To be able to create your own fields, you need administrator rights. You can learn more about this under the settings.