Since InLoox 11.16, the following standard groupings are available:

  • Project > Task Status
  • Project > Task Status > Assigned To
  • Project > Assigned To
  • Assigned To > Project > Task Status

With “None” you can remove an existing grouping.

Standard grouping possibilities in the task list

You can edit the data fields of the tasks inline. To do this, simply click in the field, e.g. the task name, double-click on the name and change it. You can also change the status or the start/end date in this way.

Alternatively, you can also click on the pencil icon and make the changes in the side panel.

If you want to switch from the task list to a project, click on the arrow next to the project name in the list.

These standard groupings are also available in the list view of the project tasks.

Group the list manually

To make a grouping, you must first activate the advanced mode. To do this, click on the button with the three vertically arranged dots at the top right. In the menu that appears, you can activate the advanced mode.

The Dropdown-Menu in the task section

Now drag the column in the task list by which you want to group the tasks into the area on the left above the table. Now you can filter within this grouping and sort in ascending or descending order.

The area where the corresponding column has to be moved

If you want to group by a column that is not yet displayed in the view, first show the column selection by clicking on the button with the three vertically arranged dots in the upper right corner and then on Select columns. Now drag the desired column from the menu to the top left.

You can also group by multiple columns.

To filter within the grouping, click on the filter icon in the column dragged up and select the filter criterion.

Example: If you group by people and now want to filter by a specific employee, first drag the Contacts column up, then click the filter icon and select the desired person from the drop-down menu.

Selection of the tasks of the project manager of interest

To sort alphabetically ascending or descending within the grouping, click on the arrow in the column you dragged up:

Example: If you want to sort all grouped contacts alphabetically ascending, click on the arrow so that it points upwards.