Edit, assign, approve, and delete financial plans

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You can do the following in the financial plan:

  • Change name: Click on the name of the plan and type in a new name.
  • Change status: By default, every finance plan is considered Open. You can set the status to Approved or Rejected.
  • Assign finance plan: You can assign each financial plan to a person. Click on the person icon and click on Assign to me if you are responsible for this finance plan yourself. Or select another person or use the search field.
  • Delete financial plan: Click on the three dots in the plan and on Delete plan to remove the plan. Confirm the process in the window by clicking on Delete.

You can do the following with entries:

  • Change the order of entries using drag-and-drop: Take an entry and drag it to the desired position. InLoox automatically reassigns the item number.
  • Edit data fields: You can edit the data inline with one click.
  • Delete entries: Select an entry and click on the three dots in the Name column and then on Delete entry. Confirm the process in the window by clicking on Delete.

You can do the following with the columns in the list:

  • Remove or add columns: Select the finance plan and click on the three dots on the right-hand side. In the Actions menu, click on Select columns and drag the required columns into the list or out of the list into the Columns menu.
  • Custom fields that you have created in the settings for budget items can also be displayed as columns since InLoox 11.13.
  • Advanced mode Filter in columns: Once you have switched to advanced mode, you can use the filter icon to filter the column data.
  • Advanced mode Group by columns: Once you have switched to advanced mode, you can drag a column up into the field above the list of entries and thus group the entire list by this column