Manage the saved reports

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You can save the reports with the predefined filter data for quick report issue.

Do the following to save a report:

  1. Click Reports tab in the project list as a home page.
  2. In the Reports group click Manage Reports
  3. In the Saved Reports dialog box do the following:

    • Save a new report by clicking New. In the New Report dialog box type a name in the Name field.
      Proceed with the filtering of the report data as you want and click OK. The saved report is now displayed in the Name List, in the Saved Reports dialog box.

      For more information on how to filter a report, see Filter report data.

    • Change the saved report. Choose one from the Name List and click Edit. In the Edit Report dialog box filter the report data as you want and click OK.

      For more information on how to filter a report, see Filter report data.

    • Remove the saved report from the Report List by clicking Delete.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.

The saved report will be displayed left on the projects page, in the Reports area.