Upload, edit, comment or delete files

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Upload File

The quickest way to upload a new file is via drag and drop.

  1. You are in a project and have selected the Documents tab.
  2. First select the folder in the tree structure on the left in which the file is to be uploaded.
  3. Then simply drag the desired document into the field with the mouse pointer.
  4. Alternatively, you can also click on the Upload file button. Now select the file you want to upload and click on Open.
  5. The file is now saved in InLoox Web App.


File preview & Comment document

If you click on the file, you will immediately see the preview on the right-hand side.

Here you can also give the file a description and leave comments on the document.

Kommentare zu Dokumenten hinterlassen


Edit file

If you want to edit a file, click on the file. At the top you have various buttons to edit the file:

  • Download
  • Move (to another InLoox folder)
  • Replace (deletes the old document and replaces it with the new document)
  • Rename
  • Delete

Dokumente herunterladen, verschieben, ersetzen, umbenennen, löschen